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Solicitor and Executor Information

Everything you need to know about including The Kids Research Institute Australia in your Will.

Suggested wording for your Will

We have prepared some suggested wording that can be inserted into your client’s Will.

Legal Name of Entity

The Kids Research Institute Australia

ABN:  86 009 278 755

Address: 15 Hospital Avenue, Nedlands, Western Australia 6009

Unconditional gift of a sum of money, asset, or residue

If you choose to include The Kids, you may wish to use this wording:

“I give [insert your gift] to The Kids Research Institute Australia of 15 Hospital Avenue, Nedlands, Western Australia ABN 86 009 278 755, to be applied for unrestricted general charitable purposes. In respect of such legacy, I direct that the receipt of a duly authorised officer shall be a sufficient discharge to my Executors.”

Because health priorities change over time, we encourage you to consider making your gift to The Kids “unrestricted” to address the most pressing health issues of the day. Alternatively, of course, you are most welcome to direct your gift to area of research close to your heart. Please contact us so that we may ensure your wishes are carried out.

How to administer a gift left to The Kids

We’re very grateful for the gifts our generous supporters leave in their Will to us. If you are acting on behalf of someone who has passed away and has left a gift in their will, please notify our Individual Giving Lead by phoning (08) 6319 1444 or emailing

In addition to contacting us, we require further details before administering the legacy;

  • A copy of the Will
  • Date of death
  • Benefactor’s or solicitor's contact details
  • Details of assets and liabilities if the gift is a share of an estate.

Please call before making a payment so we can ensure the details you have are correct. If you have any further questions, you can contact the Individual Giving Lead Kirren on (08) 6319 1444 or email

Thank you for considering leaving a gift to The Kids Research Institute Australia in your Will. For a confidential and obligation free conversation to learn more about how your gift can create future generations of happy, healthy kids please contact our Individual Giving Lead by phoning (08) 6319 1444 or emailing